#049 Keystone Actions

You may have heard of the concept of Keystone Habits. But what is a Keystone Action?

In this episode I share:

  • What is a keystone action?

  • Why keystone actions are important

  • How can you use keystone actions to achieve greater flow, particularly when you are overwhelmed with possibility and ideas

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#048 Before you Set Goals for the New Year, do This

The start of a new year can be an excellent time to set goals. But research tells us very few of us actually follow through with and achieve the goals we set for ourselves at this time.

One way we can make sure we set sticker goals is by brining greater intentionality to our goal setting. In this episode I share how you can do this using Goal Exploration. What is goal exploration? Taking the time to reflect on some of the things that are most important to us BEFORE doing our goal setting, such as values, purpose, impact, who we want to be and how we want to feel.

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