#1.5 Christian Duell - Stepping Off the Linear Path Podcast

Christian began his working life as an architect, but after years in a corporate design firm a relationships ending was a catalyst for him  to take a step back from his linear work pathway. He chose to take a sabbatical which took him on an unexpected series of twists and turns - leading him him to a design residency which sparked a fresh appreciation for true collaboration and applying creativity in tackling social issues.

Later returning to Australia, he worked on some fascinating projects in his home state of Queensland including managing the asia Pacific Design Library at the State Library of Queensland.

Christian is now a design strategist, social entrepreneur and part-time musician. He is the founder of design consultancy White Light as well as Be Awesome, a social movement devoted to promoting activities that empower individuals with the freedom to stopchoose and act with integrity.

Christian is passionate about the opportunities that arise through travel, collaboration, chance encounters and new relationships formed across a range of creative fields. He doing all kinds of amazing work in his sweet spot - supporting people to find greater freedom and quality of choice through creative thinking.

Join me as Christian and I explore moving from the traditional, linear life path, turning disasters into opportunity, creating space for people to come together, the dance between security and freedom and being adaptable and flexible in following your good work path.

You can find Christian at:




#1.06 Purpose is not Fixed: Explore the Possibilities


#1.04 Reflections - Aligning Identity & Work for Wellbeing