Book your Complementary Clarity Call

There’s no better way to understand if coaching with me is right for you, than to do some actual coaching.

My complimentary coaching clarity call is an opportunity for you to do that, as well a for us to get to know each other and decide if we are a good fit.

The call is broken down into three sections:

  1. About you: You share with me what you're looking to achieve from coaching and a bit about yourself.

  2. About me & my coaching: I share with you more about working with me. My coaching style, structure, process, packages etc. You can also ask me anything you would like to know.

  3. Mini Coaching Session: We spend 15-25 minutes doing live coaching, so you can get some clarity on a challenge or situation to help you move forward, as well as a feel for what it’s really like coaching with me.

You don’t need to prepare, other than to have a think about something you might like to discuss in the mini coaching session.

To book, use the form to the right (or below on mobile). If you don’t find a time that suits you, please reach out via email

Please note, clarity calls are for those genuinely interested in coaching with me. To qualify to have this call, you must acknowledge you are aware of the investment involved to work with me and that you have the means to meet this investment, should you decide you want to work together.

Please view my coaching packages prior to booking your session.